Union Traction Co. of Indiana (#2) ~ 5/13/1912 to 7/2/1930 (foreclosure sale to Indiana Railroad)
Indiana Union Traction Co. ~ 6/9/1903 to 5/13/1912 (merged)
Indianapolis Northern Traction Co. ~ 4/14/1902 to 12/6/1903 (leased to IUT)
Indiana Northern Traction Co. ~ 2/24/1903 to 12/2/1905 (sold to IUT)
Muncie & Union City Traction Co. ~ 6/16/1906 to 7/1/1906 (sold to IUT)
Union Traction Co. of Indiana (#1) ~ 6/27/1899 to 5/13/1912 (merged)
Indianapolis, New Castle & Eastern Traction Co. ~ 6/1/1912 to 10/25/1912 (leased to UT #2)
Muncie & Portland Traction Co. ~ 7/7/1905 to 6/15/1916 (leased to I,NC&E)
Section 1:
Baggage/Coach Cars #429 & #437 - at Ind. Trans. Mus., Noblesville, Hamilton Co, IN - built 1925, #429 named "Noblesville", #437 named "Marion", bodies only
Section 2 Indianapolis to New Castle and Muncie:
Underpass (filled in), Indianapolis, Marion Co. - under "Belt" railway, W side of Sherman Dr., N of 16th St., S of 21st St.
Bridge, Indianapolis, Marion Co. - over Pogue's Run, N side of 21st St., E of Sherman Dr.
Depot/Substation, Maxwell, Hancock Co. - 24 W. Jackson St., residence
Bridge, between Maxwell and Willow Branch, Hancock Co. - 350' E of CR 400E
Depot (106), Kennard, Henry Co. - 319 200 S, modified, residence
Bridge, west of New Castle, Henry Co. - N of Mt. Lawn Speedway, 600' E of CR 400W [photo, courtesy Gene Ingram]
Waiting Shelter, New Castle, Henry Co. - Originally at Burcutt Siding along SR 3, now in front of Henry Co. Historical Society, 606 S 14th St., restored
Depot/Substation (104), Springport, Henry Co. N of 800N, W of IN-3, built ca. 1913, storage
Right-of-Way Marker, Springport, Henry Co. - at edge of 800N near depot/substation
Section 3 Indianapolis to Anderson and Muncie:
Right-of-Way, Indianapolis, Marion Co. - N side of E. 38th St. between Forest Manor Ave. & Wallace Ave.
Bridge Abutments, Indianapolis, Marion Co. - N side of E 38th St., E of Drexel Ave., W of Arthington Blvd.
Depot (170), Indianapolis, Marion Co. - N side of Aultman Ave./E. 56th St., built 1908, Gourmet Coffee Shop {PHOTOS}
Trolley Rd. Oaklandon, Marion Co. - N of CR/NYC track
Bridge Abutments, Oaklandon, Marion Co. - at Trittipo Ditch, in woods at E end of Trolley Rd.
Right-of-Way & Pole Line, McCordsville, Hancock Co. - E & W of Depot St., N of CR track
Bridge Abutments, McCordsville, Hancock Co. - at Stansbury Ditch, E of Depot St., N of CR track
Concrete Block Utility Bldg., Fortville, Hancock Co. - N side of E. Staat St. at location of Mur Siding, business
Line Pole Collars, Fortville, Hancock Co. - four located east of the utility bldg, one on the same property and three on the east side of the cross street
Historical Marker, Ingalls, Madison Co. - in town park, S of IN-67, at W end of Menden Ave., W of Huston St., remembers Feb. 2, 1924 Alfont crash that killed more than 20 people
"Inter-Urban Park", Ingalls, Madison Co.
Line Pole Collars, Ingalls, Madison Co. - 7 at various locations in town
Depot/Substation, Ingalls, Madison Co. - NW corner of Meridian St. & 3rd Ave., vacant
Combination Depot, Pendleton, Madison Co. - E side of N. Pendleton Ave., business
Bridge Abutments & Pier, Pendleton, Madison Co.- at Fall Creek, in Falls Park, E of N. Pendleton Ave. {PHOTOS}
Union Office Building, Anderson, Madison Co. - SE corner of S. Meridian St. & 11th St.
Freight House, Anderson, Madison Co. - W side of N. Main St., vacant Destroyed by fire on May 4, 2002
Bridge Abutment, Anderson, Madison Co. - S bank of White River, E of Broadway
Shops/Office, Anderson, Madison - 600 block of Broadway, N of downtown, property owned by Glazer Bros., leased to 5 businesses
Substation, Anderson, Madison Co. - E side of Broadway on site of powerhouse, N of Shops bldg.
Storefront Depot, Yorktown, Delaware Co. - NE corner of Smith St. & Walnut St., business
Retaining Wall & Right-of-Way, Yorktown, Delaware Co. - E. Smith St.
Shops/Carbarn/Substation, Muncie, Delaware Co. - S of W. Kilgore Ave. at 1011 Perkins Ave. Only one of three identical buildings at this location remains. (Remaining building was not the carbarn. Recently discovered photo shows that the carbarn was right next to the street where the Burger King now stands.)
Section 4 Muncie to Union City:
Bridge Abutments, Georgetown, Randolph Co. - E edge of town at Sparrow Creek, N side of IN-32
Bridge Abutments, W of Winchester, Randolph Co. - N side of IN-32
Section 5 Muncie to Portland:
Bridge Abutment, Muncie, Delaware Co. - S side of White River, E of Broadway St. bridge
Depot/Substation (48), Albany, Delaware Co. - NW corner of W. State St. & Delaware St., freight/substation wing built by Muncie & Portland Traction Co. before 1910, business
Line Pole Collar, Albany, Delaware Co. - E side of N. Delaware St. between High St. & North St.
Right-of-Way, between Albany and Dunkirk, Delaware Co. - W of IN-167 at several county roads
Depot, Dunkirk, Jay Co. - SE corner of Main and Railroad Streets, business. Link
Carbodies, Dunkirk, Jay Co. - E side of Main St., N side of CR track, two side by side, no trucks, business
Line Pole Collar, Redkey, Jay Co. - N side of W. Main St., between Burr St. & Nixon St.
Depot, Redkey, Jay Co. - SE corner of Meridian St./IN-1 & Main St., remodeled, My Friend's Tavern; tie pattern visible in Main St.
Bridge Abutments, Como, Jay Co. - S side of IN-67, S of 400S
Bridge Abutment, SW of Portland, Jay Co. - S side of IN-67, E of 300W, S of 150S
Bridge Abutment, SW of Portland, Jay Co. - at Salamonie River, E of 200W, S of 75S/100S, N side of NS/NKP
Substation, Portland, Jay Co. SE of 200W and 75S/100S on grounds of former Naas Foods plant, now a warehouse
Section 6 Muncie to Bluffton:
Bridge Piers, Muncie, Delaware Co. - in White River, E of Walnut St.
Interurban St., Shideler, Delaware Co. - E side of NS track
Shop Building, Eaton, Delaware Co. - E of IN-3, W side of Romy St. just S of Randell St., S of 1000N/Crammell Rd., partially destroyed and rebuilt into fertilizer distribution plant
Storefront Depot/Freight Depot (19), Hartford City, Blackford Co. - SE corner of S. Jefferson St. & E. Water St., SE of Courthouse, built 1908, business, freight section burned down, approx. 2001.
Waiting Shelter, Keystone, Wells Co. - moved, in back yard of residence, W side of 200W, N of 1000S
Waiting Shelter (291), Poneto, Wells Co. - moved, possibly in back yard on Main St./IN-218
Section 7 Anderson to Marion and Wabash:
Historical Marker &Waiting Shelter (162), Alexandria, Madison Co. - SE corner of Harrison St. & Church St., moved from 750W
Waiting Shelter (167), Summitville, Madison Co. - moved, W of 150E, S of 1700N, storage
Bridge Footings, Marion, Grant County – E of Lincoln Blvd at Deer Creek {PHOTO}
Powerhouse/Substation, Marion, Grant Co. - SE corner of 30th St. & Home Ave./900E
Carbarn, Marion, Grant Co. - SW corner of 30th St. & Home Ave./900E, 2 bldgs., later used by Marion Railways, Inc.
Freight Depot (84), Marion, Grant Co. - 1201 &1203 S. McClure at Lincoln, modified, vacant
Powerhouse, La Fontaine, Wabash Co. - N of W. Logan St., E of S. Walnut St., vacant
Bridge Abutments & Girders, La Fontaine, Wabash Co. - behind powerhouse, N of W. Logan St., in line with Western St.
Bridge Abutment, Wabash, Wabash Co. - SE of town on first county road S of IN-13 and IN-15 split, N side of Big Four crossing
Section 8 Alexandria to Tipton:
Bridge Abutment & Fill, Elwood, Tipton Co. - S Side of NS/NKP crossing, W side of town, S of IN-28
Section 9 Indianapolis to Noblesville, Tipton, Kokomo, Logansport and Peru:
Substation, Indianapolis/Broad Ripple, Marion Co. - SE corner N. College Ave. & 64th St., built 1903 by Indianapolis Northern Traction Co., American Legion Post
Culvert, Indianapolis, Marion Co., E of College Ave. near
81st St. {LINK
scroll down the page to see the photo }
Union Traction Boulevard, Home Place, Hamilton Co. - name added to Jessup Blvd, east of College Ave. south of 106th St. {LINK}
Bridge, Noblesville, Hamilton Co. - at Weasel Creek just east of Hazel Dell Rd. north of 146th St. [ N 40° 39.40' by W 85° 26.68' ]
Combination Depot (92), Noblesville, Hamilton Co. - 199 N. 9th St. at SW corner of Clinton St., built to Indiana Union Traction Co. plans dated 1906, business {PHOTO}
Bridge Piers, Noblesville, Hamilton Co. - in White River,
E side of IN-19, N of IN-32 and ex-NKP track Piers removed in 2003
for construction of Field Dr. bridge. Abutment may remain on west bank of
Waiting Shelter (93), Noblesville, Hamilton Co. - in Forest Park, W of IN-19, N of IN-32 and ex-NKP track, moved from R/W
Depot, Arcadia, Hamilton Co. - 103 S. East St., storage {PHOTO}
Depot, Atlanta, Hamilton Co. - moved to 610 S. Central, residence
Bridge Abutments, N of Atlanta, Tipton Co. - at crossing of ex-NKP track
Shops and substation, Tipton, Tipton Co. - East end of Adams St, west of ex-NKP track, now industrial complex
Storefront Depot (264), Tipton, Tipton Co. - NW corner of Main & Madison St., built ca. 1903-1909, business {PHOTO}
Freight Depot, Kokomo, Howard Co. - W side of S. Union St., S of Wildcat Creek and Park Ave.
Depot, Kokomo, Howard Co. - E side of N Union St., between Sycamore St. and Walnut St. {PHOTOS}
Bridge Abutments, E of Logansport, Cass Co. - at crossing of NS/Wabash track, overpass was shared with Ft. Wayne & Wabash Valley {PHOTO}
Bridge Piers, Abutments and Fill, Logansport, Cass Co. - in the Wabash River seven piers N of Kienly Island with an abutment on the north side of the island, five piers and an abutment on the south side of the island, fill approaching the piers on both sides of the river and fill across the island {PHOTOS}
Depot (186), Peru, Miami Co. - W side of Broadway at Canal St., built 1901 by Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, also used later by Union Traction Co. and the Winona Railroad